
Hey, I’m Tasmiyah 👋 I am a full stack engineer living in Ontario, Canada 📍

Previously, I worked as a Software Engineer for IT Services and Consulting companies in Pakistan. I am now based in Ontario, Canada and I’m open to new software engineering opportunities in the Greater Toronto Area! 🚀

👨‍💻 These days I’m working on some cool personal projects. Most of my work is available at my Github repo. Some areas in tech that interest me are product development, UI/UX and artificial intelligence.

📝 I try to write regularly on my blog about things I am learning. Currently I’m reading Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal 📚

👨‍👩‍👦 I’m also a wife and mom! I love cooking - nothing refreshes my day like a plate full of home-cooked goodness. I’m also borderline obsessed with flight deck videos and someday aspire to get a Private Pilot’s License (PPL) ✈️ .

How to reach me: tasmiyahiqbal@gmail.com 📫

My profile doodle was done by my sister.

Built with Astro, MDX, Tailwind and Vercel.